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You’ll find some cool Afghans and Blankets ideas on our website! Our large collection of designs is through as we enjoy showing you fresh Free Crochet patterns.
If you want to start a project and create something beautiful and useful, check out our category Afghans and Blankets.
Here you will find some different techniques-C2C (corner-to-corner), worked from the bottom, rounded, cut, Baby Blankets, Graphgans, Lapghans, Throws, and many more. Everyday, we’re adding the newest free patterns to our library, so it’s growing.
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned crocheter, you’ll definitely find something for you. Many of these Afghan and Blanket designs are easy to make. Start searching hundreds of free patterns for Afghans, Lapghans and more!
Think about all those warm nights when reading a book, and drinking tea under your handmade Afghan. Browse our library today and get motivated!